Welcome to my blog! I intend to share my thoughts about life, liberty and everything! Feedback is appreciated! Have a great day! Cheers, Jonas Ellehauge
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NVC and liberty 2017-08-19 - NVC = non-violent communication. Some people prefer the term “compassionate communication”. I want to talk about NVC and liberty — because as I see it, the two are related in are highly interesting way, that I’d like to share with you. The man behind NVC is Marshall Rosenberg, he developed it and came up with the …
What is Money? 2017-07-27 - People spend a lot of time trying to make money and thinking about how to make more of it. Yet most people don’t stop to think about what money really is. So what is it then? Do you have a definition? Try to imagine how you’d get by without money. If it were me, I …
Welfare – With and Without Democracy 2017-07-24 - Most countries that I know of in The West have developed some sort of a welfare state, where the majority of the residents in the country are entitled to various welfare programs. When I argue against that and for a free voluntary society, I often come across the misconception that in such a society, there …
Peace, EU and The Legacy of The West 2017-04-21 - Have you perhaps seen me post anti EU and anti US stuff in the past? Did that make you think that I’m conservative, nationalist, reactionary? Or perhaps you thought that I’m a left-wing “Social Justice Warrior”? Nothing could be further from the truth. Philosophy and Science My focus is primarily a philosophical one – the …